
Friday, September 6, 2013

Measurement Lab - Day 2

Today, we continued with our measurement lab.  We defined and practiced measuring distance, temperature, and time.

Distance is the length of a path between two points.  We can measure it using a meter stick or a ruler.  In science, we will make all of our distance measurements in meters (m) or centimeters (cm) - not inches!

Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.  We measure temperature using a thermometer.  We are most familiar with using the Fahrenheit temperature scale, however in science we use degrees Celsius.

We defined time as how long it takes for an event to occur.  We can measure this using a stopwatch, and our unit could be anything from seconds (s) to minutes (min) to hours (h) to days (d).

Click here to see a slide show of all of the measurements we practiced today.

We also finished up our gummy bear measurements today.

They grew a ton!

Every single class did an awesome job of working in the lab today - thank you!

Journal Question #1: What quantity do we measure using a meter stick?  Sketch a picture of a meter stick.

Journal Question #2: What quantity do we measure using a thermometer?  Sketch a picture of a thermometer.

Journal Question #3: What quantity do we measure using a stopwatch?  Sketch a picture of a stopwatch.

Have a great weekend!

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