
Learning Targets


Students will understand that: collaboration allows us to solve more complex problems than working as an individual.
Students will demonstrate understanding by: working in a group to build a cup tower.


SWUT: rules are put in place for safety and to increase learning.
SWDUB: making a list of rules that are appropriate for a science classroom and identifying/locating lab safety equipment.


SWUT: being able to think is one of the main goals of this course.
SWDUB: writing a response on what it means to think.


SWUT: in order for data to be accepted in science, it must be consistent.
SWDUB: collecting data from a tennis ball drop activity and comparing results to see if it is the same.


SWUT: science concerns only things that can be observed by at least one of the five senses.
SWDUB: exploring the five senses by identifying objects/substances/images using only one sense at a time.


SWUT: everything in science must happen in the natural world.
SWDUB: sorting out events into natural and unnatural categories.

SWUT: predictions are created based on prior experiences.
SWDUB: writing predictions based on prior knowledge.


SWUT: all science must be able to be tested.
SWDUB: creating t-charts to show variables as well as constants in an experiments.


SWUT: science is tentative and it is ever changing.
SWDUB: reading an article and explaining how it shows that science is tentative.


SWUT: CONPTT represents the requirements of good science.
SWDUB: completing the CONPTT assessment.


SWUT: there are many different measurement tools in science and each one measures a specific quantity.
SWDUB: identifying several measurement tools and explaining how to use them.


SWUT: we use 1) a balance to measure the mass of an object, 2) a meter stick or ruler to measure the volume of an object (l*w*h), and 3) a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of an object.
SWDUB: measuring the dimensions of a gummy bear using these tools.


SWUT: we use 1) a meter stick to measure the length of something, 2) a thermometer to measure temperature, and 3) a stopwatch to measure time.
SWDUB: accurately taking and recording different types of measurements using these tools.


SWUT: taking accurate measurement is necessary in order to collect reliable data.
SWDUB: making and comparing measurements with classmates to check for accuracy.

9-10-13 / 9-11-13

SWUT: we use a standard system of measurement in science in order to get more consistent experimental results.
SWDUB: identifying the based units used in this system and the quantities they measure; explaining how prefixes are added to these base units to make very large or very small measurements more manageable.

9-12-13 / 9-13-13

SWUT: measurements should be made with the greatest possible accuracy.  Metric measurements can be converted to more appropriate units by moving the decimal point.
SWDUB: taking an accurate measurement from a graduated cylinder, converting measurements to other units, and explaining which unit is most appropriate.

9-16-12 / 9-17-13

SWUT: density is the ratio of a material's mass to its volume, and it can be calculated using the equation d = m/v.
SWDUB: finding the density of a liquid by measuring its mass and volume and applying the equation.


SWUT: the experimental variable is the thing we change in an experiment.  The dependent variable is the thing we measure.
SWDUB: writing a problem statement in the correct format and identifying the experimental and dependent variables.


SWUT: when we know the density of something, we can make predictions about how it will interact with other matter.
SWDUB: calculating the density of a soda can and accurately predicting if it will sink or float in water.


SWUT: the first step in setting up a science experiment is writing a problem statement and identifying the variables.
SWDUB:  writing a problem statement and identifying the experimental and dependent variables.




SWUT: a conclusion will either support or disprove your hypothesis based on an accurate analysis of the collected data.
SWDUB: drawing accurate conclusions from collected data and writing it up using the correct format.

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