
Friday, October 11, 2013

Writing assignment for class today

Hi everyone.  Here is the link to the writing assignment we will be completing in class today.  More instructions will follow.

Writing Assignment

Thursday, October 10, 2013

7th Period Class

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4th Period Class

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Concept Mapping

This week, we started learning how to make concept maps.  A concept map is an easy way to organize and visualize your thoughts.  It also allows you to show the connections or relationship between different key points within a larger idea.  Here are some examples of concept maps I showed in class on Monday.  We also created a concept map together on the board.  Then, I set you off on your own to create your own concept map based on any topic of your choosing.  I really enjoyed looking through these maps, and I learned a lot from some of them.

Today, we worked in groups to complete some concept maps I gave you covering the three major topics we have learned about so far; requirements of science, measurement, and PIT-BC's.  We will continue working on these maps tomorrow.  Our final product should be one big concept map that combines all of the ideas from each of the three topics.