
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

More about atoms

This week, we are getting more practice with building atoms.  Here are some rules we defined to help figure out how many of each particle we would need:

 protons = atomic number
 neutrons = mass - atomic number
 electrons = atomic number - charge

*on a neutral atom, the charge is zero

We also started talking about the Periodic Table and we will be learning a lot more about this next week.  Here is the video we watched in class about the development of the Periodic Table:

Then, we wrote a few more definitions:
 element = a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances
 atom = the smallest particle of an element
 ion = an atom with a positive or negative charge

Remember that substances like water (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are not elements because they can be broken up into difference substances.

Finally, here is the link for the demonstration on size, which shows how small atoms and molecules really are.

Don't forget, quiz retakes for the first chemistry quiz will start next week.  Please come in and review with me anytime before or after school!