
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Measurement Lab - Day 1

We focused on measuring two quantities today; mass and volume.

Mass is defined as the amount of matter something has.  We practiced measuring the mass of various objects using a digital balance.  Mass is measured in grams (g).

We defined volume as the amount of space something takes up.  We practiced measuring volume in two different ways.  First, we measured the length, width, and height of an object and multiplied them together to get the volume in cubic centimeters (cm^3).  Second, we used a method called displacement which gave us the volume in milliliters (mL).

Finally, we started an activity called Measurement Olympics.  Our first event was Gummy Bear Expansion.   We measured the mass and volume of our gummy bears and left them to sit in a cup of water over night.  Tomorrow, we will measure them again to see how much they change.

Click here to see a slideshow of all of the measurements we made today.

Journal Question #1: What quantity do we measure using a balance?  Sketch a picture of a digital balance.

Journal Question #2: What quantity do we measure using a graduated cylinder?  Sketch a picture of a graduated cylinder.

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