
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

CoM PIT-BC continued

We are now finished with the exploratory part of the week.  Now it's time to start designing our main experiment.

Some of you noticed that as the Alka Seltzer reaction occurred in the stoppered flask, pressure built up and the stopper sometimes popped off.  When that happened, all of the gases were able to escape, making the flask just as bad at conserving mass as the beaker. For our actual experiment, I will ask you to try to design a container that will definitely trap all of the gas so that we can measure it.  I will give some suggestions of materials to use during class.  The problem statement for our PIT-BC will be 'What is the affect of the type of container on the conservation of mass?'  where the experimental variable (the thing that we are changing) is the type of container, and the dependent variable (the thing we are going to measure) is the conservation of mass.  We will also be switching from the Alka Seltzer and water reaction to the well-known baking soda and vinegar reaction.

Today in class, we will be working on writing instructions for the lab and, if we have time, we will make our data tables and write our predictions.

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