
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Writing Instructions

The next section of our lab write-up is the instructions.  Today, we practiced writing instructions for a simple task so that tomorrow when we write directions for the lab, we can just focus on the lab procedures.  We started out by suggestion some general guidelines for writing instructions.  Here is what you guys came up with.  First, we thought that the instructions should be as detailed and specific as possible.  They should also be numbered, written out step by step, organized and in order.  If any materials are required for your task, the instructions should include a list of those.  Finally, someone in the last class suggested including pictures or diagrams to help make your instructions clearer.

Your goal today was to write clear instructions so that your classmate could get from my room (415) to some other place within the school just by following your directions.  Tomorrow, we will talk about any challenges you may have faced both in writing the directions and in trying to follow your classmate's.

1.  Quiz retakes must be done by Friday!
2.  That's because grade reports are coming out next week.
3.  So get any missing work turned in ASAP.
4.  Dress like a science-themed super hero tomorrow and get some extra credit points.


  1. I want to retake the quiz! :D

  2. i want to retake the quiz on guided study with Ms. Padget

  3. I want to retake the quiz on guided study with Ms. Padget, Ana Baltazar

  4. I want to retake the quiz

  5. I want to retake the quiz
