
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Team Building and Syllabus Day

The first two days of school have been pretty low key.  On Wednesday, we started off with a group activity where you had to stack up plastic cups using only a rubber band with strings tied to it.  Most of you did and awesome job working together to accomplish this task!  I also started getting to know you all by having you fill out a 'Facebook profile' and I really appreciated the few of you who volunteered to share theirs.

Today was 'syllabus day'.  I know going through all the rules and expectations and grading policies isn't a lot of fun, but it is necessary every year because every teacher does things a little differently.  If have any questions throughout the year, you can find my syllabus posted on here in the column to the right.

Once we got through all of the rules, we started talking a little bit about safety.  Most classes don't have any safety issues, but since we will be working in a science lab, we need to take extra precautions.  Today, we learned where most of the safety equipment is located and we drew diagrams and labeled all of these items.  Tomorrow we will talk more about appropriate dress and procedures to follow when working in the lab.

Safety First

I hope everybody is learning their way around the building.  I promise, it gets easier :)

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