
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Requirements of Science - Observable

Today, we continued our discussion of what we need to be able to accept a scientific idea.  Anything we study in science has to be observable using our 5 senses.  The observation may or may not be direct (ex. seeing a video or picture of something still counts as observing it with your sight).  I challenged you to try to think of something that cannot be observed using at least one of your senses; some of you came up with some great ideas!  We will talk about these more tomorrow.

To get a better understanding of what it means to be observable, we did a fun activity exploring the 5 senses.  We had 10 unknown objects/substances and we had to guess what each one was using only one of our senses at a time.  Most of you did a great job of following the lab procedures and wrote some wonderful observations.

Make sure you're writing down everything we do in your notebooks and keeping it neat and organized.  I will most likely be doing our first notebook check on Friday.

Stay cool, and watch for bats!

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